center for pharmaceutical compounding
compounding news
Not all meds are created equal! Here, we explore the ever-evolving world of compounded pharmaceuticals. Discover how customized medications are changing healthcare, from tackling unique patient needs to treating furry friends.

Compounding Update: HCG (Human chorionic gonadatropin)
The FDA has provided a preliminary list of products that were originally approved as drug products, but that will be considered biologic products as of March 23, 2020.1 Human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG, is one of these drugs that will now be deemed a biologic product. This means that, starting on March 23, 2020, pharmacies will no longer be able to compound with HCG, and we will be retiring all PCCA formulas that include it at that time ...

Why Oxytocin Is a Helpful Hormone
Oxytocin has classically been regarded as a pregnancy and lactation hormone. It’s also infamous as the “cuddle chemical” since it is released during orgasm and tends to bind couples together emotionally—alas, more in ladies than gents. But oxytocin, it turns out, is much more. At the 2018 International Seminar, I taught a lucky audience of compounding pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and marketers, and physicians how this “neuropeptide of attachment” could be used clinically for a variety of conditions. They learned a wide array of oxytocin basics and clinical applications along with delivery modes and dos and don’ts. Here is a brief glimpse at some of the information I shared ...

FDA’s Role in Pharmacy Compounding
IACP cheers reintroduction of legislation to clarify FDA role in pharmacy compounding- The International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists today cheered the reintroduction of The Preserving Patient Access to Compounded Medications Act, H.R. 1959, by Reps. Morgan Griffith (R-VA) and Henry Cuellar (D-TX), which would clarify provisions of the Drug Quality Security Act of 2013 related to pharmacy compounding ...

Compounded Hormone Therapy At Risk
Given the FDA’s demonstrated hostility towards compounded bioidentical hormones, it’s been our contention that the agency wants to ban BHRT to protect the profits of Big Pharma. In its communications the FDA never tires of pointing out that compounded medicine—medicines made for individual patients at specialized “compounding” pharmacies—is not FDA approved—meaning they haven’t paid millions to the agency like the drug companies have ...

NCPA files lawsuit to stop pharmacy DIR fees
NCPA fights against DIR fees. Help the fight against these fees! ...